Overcoming Loneliness in Old Age with Elder Care

According to a study, one out of every three seniors is lonely. Loneliness is becoming one of the biggest health hazards of our time. Social isolation can increase the risk of health complications including dementia, heart disease, depression, and anxiety, and so on. There are many ways to encourage social interaction while taking care of adults. Elder care and support The elder care service in London provides endless care and support to the elderly. When the elderly have someone by their side round-the-clock to take care of their daily chores, they feel much better and energetic. They can talk to the carer and ensure they have an interesting time throughout the day. Take up a new hobby Doesn’t matter you are interested in painting, knitting, scrapbooking, or learning a new language, you can always pursue your hobby and feel good. If you do not have a hobby, then it is never late to learn a new thing. With so many options available, it is eas...